Wednesday 9 March 2016

The Congo M23 Rebels have been integrated in the Uganda Police

Today the future of Ugandans is being decided for the youth, by the NRM criminal out-fit and its band of political left-overs, and parasites. We continue to witness the training and arming of  various extremists, by NRM functionaries to maim and Kill other Ugandans. The illegal activities being carried out, by criminal Yoweri Museveni’s senior interahamwe, Major Kakoza Mutale- is a clear sign that the blood sucking regime will never entertain popular democracy. However, that’s just part of the story as the notorious criminal out-fit of Congo, the M23, has been integrated in the Uganda para-military police as a special crack unit that can be deployed anytime and anywhere in Uganda.

Yoweri Museveni will Never leave Power Peacefully

Yoweri Museveni taking a nap as was the case when he would dose off during very important meeting
The reality that Ugandans should today live with, is the determination of Criminal Yoweri museveni not to leave power peacefully. What Uganda ought to be doing now, is to give the criminal two choices-either leave power peacefully and end up in safe custody to answer for all crimes against humanity and embezzlement, or be forced to leave power violently and end up on display at Uganda city(Constitutional) Square for public viewing.

Monday 7 March 2016

Norbert Mao is Yoweri Museveni’s Cadre

The intimidation and abusive language from Uganda Democratic Party(DP) squatter, 
Norbert Mao- qualifies him to be denied the space of misleading Uganda democrats. 
His arrogance and mismanagement are not DP’s , but National Resistance Movement hallmarks.

How Yoweri Museveni Swindled Ugandans

When Ugandans were busy celebrating the official exploration of oil in Western Uganda, Dictator Yoweri Museveni was instead clandestinely siphoning it away and giving the rights of ownership from Ugandans, to himself.

The History of Uganda will record Amama Mbabazi as a Thief

Those that wanted to understand the psyche of Criminal Amama Mbabazi on the cheap, were fed with the most pathetic press conference of all-time. The press conference that was held by the Mbabazi camp, was designed to be subjective, but ended being an egoistical showcase of Amama Mbabazi stupidity. The disdain towards journalists by Amama Mbabazi left me wondering why the media fraternity even peddles him in their media?? When an interviewee shouts at the interviewer that they’re blocking the camera, then you begin wondering if the same person won’t assault journalists in the future.

Why Yoweri Museveni's main Belief is about owning Power

The politics of Uganda in the last 30 years has been mainly dominated by a criminal out-fit called the National Resistance Movement.  

Though the NRM criminal out-fit, has been able to create another out-fit called the Forum for Democratic change, their objective and agendas are the same- to dominate power and kill-off genuine democracy in Uganda. Their main belief, is about owning power, silencing criticism and keeping power among their ilks. In fact, its very common for FDC supporters to get  character references from Yoweri Museveni when applying for Jobs in UN,OXFAM,etc.

Politics in Uganda Requires you not to have a Plan to Build the Country

In the Uganda Political Causality, its very possible for thieves and men that enjoy having sex with little girls to become superstars overnight. The political scene in Uganda requires you not to have a plan for Uganda… as we shall see next week.

Why Yoweri Museveni Hates Social Media

The Rwandan born, turned Uganda Dictator Yoweri Museveni-has issued a threatening statement to Ugandans: “To Irresponsible People Spreading Falsehoods Using WhatsApp”

I would like to inform the listeners and those who follow the goings on, on the social media that that

I described the first group as “Abasiru”, “Abashema” and “Abazigu” (stupid, uninformed and enemies).

How the Uganda Parasitic class appoints the Middle Class

The economical and social malaise in Uganda are the faults of the Rwandan Migrant turned Uganda President, Yoweri Museveni. The destruction of Uganda economic power house and the fragmentation of Ugandan society into tribal enclaves that have more powers than Members of parliament-the working class here, the middle class there, and the bourgeoisie here.These are deeply ingrained concepts that have bee used to divide the Uganda nation by Criminal Yoweri Museveni and his collaborators both local and international.

Yoweri Museveni is from Rwanda and not Uganda

Who is this man who has mortgaged Uganda’s future around himself, selfishly disregarding every institution, every person, and every thing as long as he remains in power? Does he love power all that much or does he fear criminal charges that he faces if he leaves power? Who was the hand behind the murder of prominent Ugandans during Idi Amin’s rule between 1971 and 1979, doing that in order to tarnish Amin’s standing among the world?
What will a desperate Museveni do if he is not stopped by local pressure and if necessary military intervention from the international community? It is important for decision makers, diplomats, and the wider Ugandan public to know whom they are dealing with.

The Uganda State Continues to Brutalise Jobless Youths

What many Ugandans have not realised or pretending not to acknowledge, is the inequality in society built on hallmarks of tribalism.

The Bill of rights should be entrenched in the Uganda constitution

 The Bill of rights should be entrenched in the Uganda constitution. The absence of this right should not stop the citizens of Uganda from breaking the law to make a political statement.

Yoweri Museveni is a Natural Parasite

The lack of sustainable economic development in Uganda, has been due to Dictator Yoweri Museveni’s backward leadership of micro management. When the leadership of a regime starts carrying pots of money around and dishing it out to buy support, immediately start organising to overthrow that regime. The main reason why Dictator Yoweri Museveni has been able to saw ignorance and backwardness in Uganda, is due to his Cunning,Vengeful and Paranoia mindset he holds towards Ugandans.

The Problem with Uganda Political Struggles

In Our Uganda Social Struggles, we have three type of People, the consumer of Information,the User of Information and the creator of Information. Today, most Ugandans are consumers of information-they wake up and surf the web looking for what various news outlets have reported,etc. This group is very active at wanting to know... and making comments on various media, becomes almost an occupation. They tend to be living in a bubble of intelligentsia and stuck in the same time warp.

Yoweri Museveni should answer for Crimes against Humanity

Today the notorious  African war criminal, Yoweri Museveni is leading the anti-International Criminal Court (ICC) crusaders  because they hate accountability and despise international humanitarian law as it seeks justice for crimes against humanity-Most of these criminals lack credibility, and that’s why they end-up dying miserably like chicken, as was the case of Gaddafi.

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